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YEUNG YIN TINA, TINA // 18209556 

YEUNG Yin Ting, Tina (b.1998, Hong Kong), an emerging new media artist, who studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, Academy of Visual Arts. She majors in art therapy at Georgia College & State University in her academic exchange journey. She centres on image-based mediums and forms like photography, 3D modelling, and videography. Her experimental ways of crossing over multi-mediums have inspired her art practice over time, such as performance art and videography on “Scan On Scars” (2017), as well as programming and videography on “Pandora’s Traps” (2018). YEUNG’s works have been exhibited internationally in Hong Kong, the U.S. and Berlin.

YEUNG is passionate about breaking through traditional art forms by experimenting with different possibilities. She is keen on exploring the relationship between the nature of the camera and image. She is obsessed with capturing images by the scanner and creating real-fake objects in 3D software. As a media art lover, YEUNG is conscious of the social media culture and digital era. She is currently investigating internet-based issues like TikTok culture and cyberstalking.

Current idea (18 Jan)

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical, and / social behavior that intends to cause physical, social, and psychological harm. (National Centre Against Bullying, 2021)

As the previous semester, I was digging the topic of bullying and find a new understanding of that topic instead of working on self-experience on school bullying. And finally, during the semester break, I thought of viewing the external diversity of protestors from the aspect of bullying. Since the Hong Kong demonstrations in 2019, Hong Kong is color-coded, which has been divided into two main groups of people – yellow ribbons (anti-government) and blue ribbons (pro-government). 

Nowadays, people are getting aware of one's political stance, labeled people or brands who either yellow ribbon or blue ribbon. Yellow Economic Circle has established in 2019, intends to clarify the business that sustains the pro-democracy movement. Meanwhile, yellow ribbons boycott blue ribbons' companies. Especially those businesses China-owned the franchise rights like McDonald’s, KFC, and Maxim. 

The conflict between yellow ribbons and blue ribbons never ends. It occurs in many forms like cyberbullying, making memes, and leave rude comments toward others. More importantly, the groups of blue ribbons also included the police force, which means the power of its side is stronger than the yellow ribbons lot. Police brutality is common to see since the protest happened in 2019. 

In this project, I aim to articulate the uncertainties of power inequality between two factions by bullying aspect. The behavior of both sides shows the characteristic of bullying. However, the situations are different each time. For instance, a group of yellow ribbons harasses a few blue ribbons on Facebook via cruel comments, and a group of blue ribbons harms a yellow ribbon by the weapon.  


Photo: Foreign Policy

Progress 1 (1 Feb)
(Concept Development


排斥黑警仔女講得通嗎?由名節(Reputation)談起 五分鐘心理學 - 樹洞香港 Podcast

Speaking with reputation: Is that make sense that boycotting the kids of Hong Kong Police? By 5-Minute Psychology Podcast 



Reason why anti-government protesters treat HK police as foe?

-HK police called the protestors “cockroaches” (disgusting, hateful creature)

-HK police brandishing lethal weapon vs protestor doesn’t have that 


150 people can form a social circle —> HK police don’t need to get the feeling of identity from the citizen


Bullying and boycotting HK police’s kids —> an act of express protestor’s anger 

-You can choose to be HK police’s romantic partner or not vs kids don’t have a choice to be born in their family 

Especially the younger kids might blindly follow the will of parent —> bullying and boycotting them = socialisation 

-This socialisation somehow let the kids understand the social norm and moral conscience 

天下太平 (Peace Reigns over the land)

-Traditional Hong Kong paper-pencil childhood game 


Game rules: 

1.Rock, paper, scissor (winner can build more stuff / destroy others’ stuff the game)

2.The first thing need to be build is a square with any four characters

3.Three flags on the square 

4.Shields (no limits)

5.Weapons (whatever you like to build e.g. aircraft, guns, tanks)


-Related to battles, conflicts

-Brainstorming some relationship of both sides, not only simply build the weapon 

-defect, attack, over and over (cycle)


Photo: TOPick

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